TYPO3 Performance :: Tools and Overview

Website performance is a major issue this days. “Rumors” say, that, if the website is a little bit too slow, it will loose much of the conversions. This fact is independent from the used system, thus also valid for TYPO3. This is the first post of a series of (probably) nine, digging into that topic. (more…)


TYPO3 Marketplace: Features and Funding

Since the start of “TYPO3 Inc.” (aka TYPO3 GmbH) creating the TYPO3 marketplace is one of the hot topics. It should / will be a one – stop platform for all services and products around TYPO3. Due to much (unexpected) work, the fellows at TYPO3 did not find the time to start the project. So a initiative was started by three agencies to fund and develop it independently. (more…)

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Patch TYPO3 and Extensions using Composer

From time to time there might the requirement that a feature or a bugfix should be available prior to an official release or should be backported to a legacy version of TYPO3. If you are still not using composer, after reading this post, you might really consider doing so. But now, let’s see how it works. (more…)