Book “Modern Extension Development for TYPO3 CMS with Extbase & Fluid” available in English


A couple of days ago Patrick Lobacher announced the immediate availability of the book “Modern Extension Development for TYPO3 CMS with Extbase & Fluid” in English language. This book is not only the translated version of the German edition but also revised to take TYPO3 CMS 7 into account. The translation has been reviewed by two English native speakers and the new book has been published by Open Source Press.


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TYPO3 Forger: Get in Touch with Issues and Reviews!

You feel lost on With all the tickets? Categories? Tracker? You do not know which patch you like to put your energy on You do not find those topics / reviews you have the best expertise?
So is probably the answer you are looking for!  It basically provides an intuitive interface to filter reviews and shows some statistics. In this article I will give you an overview over all the possible views.
