Friends of TYPO3 01: Tomas Norre Mikkelsen

Welcome to  the first edition of  the “Friends of TYPO3” series. Let’s say “Hi” to the first interview partner: Tomas Norre Mikkelsen. He is a danish guy having a TYPO3 job in Germany and is engaged  in the TYPO3 community for many, many years now. This post is the interview with him.



Custom Content Elements made easy – EXT:mask

„Mask“ is a TYPO3 extension which makes it really easy to create custom content elements and enrich backend layouts. This post is about the motivation, the howto and the differences to other “templating“ solutions. I am convinced that this extension will solve most of your requirements for individual content elements.



“Let’s encrypt” on localhost

Usually you develop your stuff locally and want to test the SSL encrypted stuff part too. With out a valid certificate, you always have to confirm the security dialogs, whether you are sure that you want to proceed. That annoys me each time. Furthermore you do not see, whether you have a problem with “mixed content”. In this article a show you how you can use „Let’s encrypt” certificates on localhost. (more…)


TYPO3 Extension RoundUp – Q3 2016

This is the extension round for the third quarter of 2016. Again I picked a couple of TYPO3 extensions, which are IMHO worth a look. The extension publishing activity speeded up in the last weeks, so it it hard to find a good selection. If you want to see a specific extension in this list, please drop me a note and will consider your suggestion.
