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TYPO3 User eXperience Week 2016 – Sponsors wanted

Five usability teams, one Core Team, one week in the middle of nowhere – this is a basis for very successfull enhancements for TYPO3. The former TYPO3 User eXperience weeks (short: T3UXW) proofed that already several times.

In a couple of weeks the next TYPO3 User eXperience Week takes place in in Festenburg in the upper Harz. The date is from April 9. to 16.  There is still the urgent need for sponsors, who enable the participants these intense working days. The sponsorship covers cost for food, hotel and travelling. The working hours are sponsored by the participants themselves or their employers.
The UXW is organized early each year and serves as some kind of think tank. Ideas and concepts for the next months will be developed. Due to the tight cooperation between the UXW and the TYPO3 Core team the TYPO3 roadmap might be influenced.
Each team consists of several designers, developers, texters and a project-manager. These interdisciplinary teams lead to a better understanding and a better communication, because all members talk to each other and agree on the steps.
There are several possibilites to sponsor this event:
  • Invoice with VAT (if applicalble)
  • PayPal
  • Purchase of Merchandising
  • self-paying participant (please contact the team before!)
All details about sponsoring and participartion can be found on the project homepage ( Each and every sponsorship helps.
All sponsors will be mentioned on the project homepage and in all further communication about this event!
Many thanks go to Peter Kraume (@cybersmog), who originally provided this post on and allowed me to translate and repost his text here.

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