A lot of weeks passed since the last issue of the TYPO3 Reading List. So there will be some more reading recommendations. This time the focus is solely on TYPO3 topics.
TYPO3 8LTS released
The main news of the last weeks was probably the release of TYPO3 8LTS. You will find the official announcement of the release at TYPO3.org: https://typo3.org/news/article/miles-ahead-typo3-v8-lts-is-here/.
If you are interested in all the shiny details, have a look at the “What’s new slides“. Under URL https://typo3.org/download/release-notes/whats-new you will not only find the current one, but also one for each sprint release from 8.0 to 8.6.
One major task of the next months or year will be to upgrade existing installations to the TYPO3 8LTS. Daniel Goerz collected several points for you to look at usetypo3.com, when doing an upgrade.
TYPO3 Security
TYPO3 security bulletins
On April 10th 2017 two security bulletins were released to the public. If you are using one of the extensions “news” or “sf_event_mgt”, you should read the security bulletins and update your installations as soon as possible, as both extensions are susceptible to SQL Injection.
- EXT:news: https://typo3.org/teams/security/security-bulletins/typo3-extensions/typo3-ext-sa-2017-001/
- EXT: sf_event_mgt: https://typo3.org/teams/security/security-bulletins/typo3-extensions/typo3-ext-sa-2017-002/
With the latest release of TYPO3 6.2.31, this TYPO3 major release is EOL (end-of-life). If you want to use it for up two more years, you can purchase an ELTS plan from typo3.com. Signing such a plan will provide you security updates for this period and keep your websites safe.
TYPO3 Community
TYPO3 Association : General Assembly
The general assembly was held on April 4th at the Unperfekthaus in Essen. There is not yet an official press release about the assembly, but you can download the protocol and some other related documents athttps://typo3.org/association/how-it-works/general-assembly/2017/.
TYPO3 Association : New Membership Types
Maybe one of the new memberships types fits for you, if you are not already a member of the TYPO3 association.
The first one, the “Academic Membership”, aims at universities and other academic institutions. Together with the Academic Committee this will help to shape the future for TYPO3 in educational context: https://typo3.org/news/article/introducing-academic-memberships/.
The other new membership is the “Community Membership”. If you are a freelancer or a volunteer using TYPO3 and the “Bronze Membership” was too expensive for you, then you are now able to become a “Community Member” at a price of only 7,92 €. Just go the shop and order it: https://www.typo3-shop.com/typo3-association-community-membership.html
TYPO3camp Venlo and Vienna
Two international TYPO3camps already were help this year: One in Venlo (NL) and the second in Vienna (AT). The next three links are recaps of these events:
- https://blog.limesoda.com/2017/04/typo3camp-vienna-2017/(german)
- http://blog.dkd.de/typo3camp-venlo/(german)
- https://typo3.com/blog/recap-of-typo3-camp-venlo-2017/(english)
TYPO3camp Stuttgart and Berlin
The next two upcoming TYPO3camp will be held in Stuttgart (May 12th – 14th) and Berlin (June 16th – 18th) . You can still buy tickets here:
- Tickets Stuttgart: https://t3cs.de/tickets/
- Tickets Berlin:http://www.typo3camp-berlin.de/tickets/
TYPO3camp France
One week later, from June 23th to 25th, there will be the first french TYPO3camp at Nantes. There are only 40 places, so you need to be fast to book the event.
TYPO3 Developer Days 2017 – Malmö
The next “official” TYPO3 event are the TYPO3 Developer Days in Malmø from July 13th to 16th. You can book your tickets at https://t3dd17.typo3.org/registration/ Furthermore the “Call for Papers” is still open and will be closed on May 1st.
If you are looking for a cheap flight to the location, check out the Copenhagen airport. The flight will be cheaper and it not as far from the location as the Malmø airport.
TYPO3 Certified Developer – english book
As already posted on this blog, the english version of the preparation for the developer certification is available athttps://leanpub.com/typo3certifieddeveloper-en.
TYPO3 Partner Program
On typo3.com there is now a partner finder, where you can filter all current partners according to your needshttps://typo3.com/our-services/find-a-typo3-partner/official-typo3-partner-finder/#/list
If you want to become a partner there is detailed information available on typo3.com. Special plans for freelancers and very small agencies are in preparation.
TYPO3 Trainer Network
Very new and hot is the TYPO3 Trainer Network. Check https://typo3.com/blog/typo3-trainer-network/ and become a part of this network, especially created for trainers.
Although I have still some (not TYPO3 related) links collected, I think, this is enough for this issue of the TYPO3 Reading List. They will be part of one of the next issues.
I hope, that one or more recommendations have been interesting for you. If so or if you know somebody, who could profit from it, please share this post via your favorite social network. For convenience I added some share buttons at the end of this page.
If you have any recommendations of news or blog posts, that might be helpful for others, don’t hesitate to drop me a note via the contact form, slack, twitter or e-mail. I will consider it for the next issue of the TYPO3 Reading List.
I found the blog post image on pixabay (https://pixabay.com/en/glasses-read-learn-book-text-272399/). It was published by Hans (https://pixabay.com/en/users/Hans-2/) under the CC0 public domain license. It was modified by myself using pablo on buffer (https://pablo.buffer.com/#).
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