Image Cropping in TYPO3 Backend

Since TYPO3 version 7 there is a new image cropping tool available in the backend. It enables the editors to select and save a region of an image right where they add the image. This post explains the usage, its configuration and how to use it in your own extensions.



Get in touch with TYPO3 companions

As (probably) any other open source community the TYPO3 community is distributed around the world. In order not to get lost in the digital universe, all community members should stay in contact. This should be not only by digital means, but also afk (away from keyboard). Here is an overview, how can get or stay in contact with each other. (more…)


15 Local Development Setups for TYPO3

Fourteen setups and systems that help you to develop websites with TYPO3. Local development can really boost your efficiency and effectiveness! Most of the solutions are (at least) partially cross platform. Most of them work also with any other php / mysql project, like wordpress, drupal or joomla.



Sphinx – Easy Rendering of reST documentation

Since some years now the standard format for TYPO3 documentation is “Restructured Text“ (reST). As there are more formatting options as in „markdown“ (md), it is a little bit harder to write documentation and to control the outcome. This situation gets much better, if you know and use the sphinx extension. (more…)


TYPO3 and PSR-2 for IDEs – Lifting the Fog

At the TYPO3 developer days the core team members decided to drop the TYPO3 specific coding guidelines and to switch to the PSR-2 standard. This change was done in the night from Oct. 08 to 09 using a single huge commit. Read on for the complete story how to adapt your personal dev environment. (more…)